Apa itu Indikator?

Apa indikator ini?
Indikator adalah alat atau alat yang menyediakan data berdasarkan hasil perhitungan formula tertentu untuk mengukur dan mengevaluasi kondisi pasar sehingga pedagang dapat memprediksi arah pasar di masa depan.
Dalam dunia trading Forex, istilah "indikator" lebih umum dikenal sebagai indikator Forex.
Hingga saat ini, jumlah indikator Forex telah mencapai ratusan, dan indikator baru akan terus dibuat untuk lebih membantu para pedagang menghasilkan keuntungan.
Dilihat dari masa produksinya, indikator mata uang ini dibagi 2, masing-masing:
1. Indikator klasik, mis. garis tren, rata-rata bergerak
2. Indikator modern seperti ADX, Ichimoku kinkoHiyo, dll.
Kemudian, berdasarkan fungsinya, indikator mata uang dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu:
1. Indikator tren, misalnya Parabolic SAR, Moving Average, Bollinger Bands.
2. Indikator untuk mengukur kejenuhan pasar, seperti RSI, Stochastic Oscillator.
3. Indikator untuk mengukur kondisi pasar, misalnya: Bollinger bands, volume
Dilihat dari tampilannya indikator mata uang terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu :
1. Indikator Oscillator, yaitu indikator yang muncul di jendela terpisah yang bergerak maju mundur dalam rentang nilai tertentu. Contoh: RSI, Stochastic Oscillator.
2. Indikator tren, yaitu indikator yang terlihat bersama-sama pada grafik yang dianalisis, seperti rata-rata bergerak.
Dalam aplikasi Anda, kami biasanya hanya menggunakan 1 hingga 3 jenis indikator dalam analisis kami. Semakin banyak indikator yang digunakan, semakin membingungkan dan tidak pasti untuk memasuki pasar dan membuka posisi.
Selain itu penggunaan indikator juga disesuaikan dengan strategi yang digunakan misalnya jika kita menggunakan strategi breakout maka indikator yang dibutuhkan adalah Bollinger Bands dan Volume.
Namun pada dasarnya penggunaan indikator ini harus wajar sesuai dengan tujuan semula, yaitu fungsi indikator untuk membantu trader memprediksi arah pasar ke depan.

Strategi Swithcing

Ada kalanya pasar bergerak berlawanan dengan perkiraan kita, sehingga posisi yang kita buka akan rugi, tetapi dalam hal ini kita selalu bisa mencoba mengubahnya menjadi keuntungan.
Arti kata ganti adalah mengganti. Strategi pembalikan dalam perdagangan Forex melibatkan penutupan posisi yang kalah dan pembukaan posisi baru dengan arah berlawanan dari posisi tertutup dengan harapan keuntungan dari posisi kedua akan lebih besar daripada kerugian dari posisi tertutup pertama. posisi
GBP/USD saat ini berada di 1,5500. Saya memprediksi BGP/USD akan naik ke 1.5600. Jadi saya membuka posisi long. Beberapa jam kemudian, GBP/USD bertentangan dengan perkiraan saya, GBP/USD turun dan sekarang di 1,5450, yang berarti posisi beli saya turun 50 pips.
Setelah analisis lebih lanjut, GBP/USD kemungkinan akan terus menurun menuju level 1,5350.
Hari ini saya memutuskan untuk menutup posisi panjang saya untuk menghindari kerugian dan membuka posisi pendek baru setelah kehilangan 50 pips.
Beberapa jam kemudian menjadi benar bahwa pasar telah bergerak dari analisis bearish kedua dan saat ini di 1,5375.
Akhirnya, ketika saya pikir profitnya sudah cukup, saya menutup posisi short saya dengan profit 75 pips.
Saya memperoleh 25 poin, atau 75 poin dikurangi kehilangan 50 poin.

Kiat untuk membuat strategi konversi:
- Beralih dengan membuka posisi kedua yang berlawanan dengan posisi kedua hanya dimungkinkan jika keuntungan yang diharapkan dari posisi kedua melebihi biaya kerugian dari posisi tertutup pertama.
- Anda perlu mengubah ketika ada tren yang kuat, yaitu ketika ada garis terobosan.
Strategi pembalikan forex ini membutuhkan analisis yang meyakinkan, jika Anda tidak yakin dengan ramalan kedua, Anda harus melakukan short posisi pertama tanpa melakukan pergantian. Jika kita terus menekan, pasar bisa menggairahkan kita dan bahkan menggandakan kerugian.

Sumber: http://siembah.com/strategi-forex-switching

Teknik Averaging

Untuk meminimalkan kerugian saat posisi kita melawan tren dan memaksimalkan keuntungan saat posisi kita searah tren, kita bisa menggunakan strategi rata-rata.
Rata-rata dalam arti kata adalah rata-rata. Saat membuka posisi, strategi rata-rata ini berguna untuk menghitung rata-rata harga pembukaan posisi. Di atas level tertentu, nilai posisi terbuka seimbang terlepas dari kondisi pasar.
Dalam perdagangan, tujuan dari rata-rata adalah untuk membuka posisi baru sejalan dengan posisi sebelumnya bahkan jika harga saat ini bergerak ke arah yang berlawanan, dengan asumsi pasar segera bergerak sesuai dengan perkiraan kami.
Tergantung pada tujuannya, strategi media digunakan untuk:
1. Peningkatan keuntungan
Saya berharap pasar akan naik, jadi saya membuka posisi beli. Setelah beberapa saat sepertinya pasar sedang naik, tetapi saya melihat bahwa pasar bahkan lebih tinggi. Jadi saya membuka posisi beli lagi. Karena saya masih berpikir pasar terlalu kuat untuk bergerak ke atas, saya membuka posisi buy lainnya.
Saat pasar naik, saya sekarang memiliki 3 posisi buy yang menguntungkan. Jadi jika saya menutup tiga posisi, keuntungan saya di atas rata-rata.
2. Mempercepat pengundian dalam kondisi macet.
Saya berharap pasar akan naik, jadi saya membuka posisi beli. Setelah beberapa saat pasar turun, yang berarti bertentangan dengan ekspektasi, tetapi karena saya yakin pasar akan segera naik, saya membuka posisi kedua untuk membeli kembali.
Jadi sekarang harga open posisi saya adalah harga pembukaan rata-rata dari 2 posisi terbuka.
Ketika pasar naik dan menyentuh rata-rata harga pembukaan dari 2 posisi, posisi saya berhenti kalah dan bahkan tembus. Tentu saja, jika pasar terus naik, posisi saya akan lebih menguntungkan.
Tip Rata-Rata:
- Untuk pasar yang bergerak seperti yang diharapkan, rata-rata sebelum pasar mencapai titik jenuh.
- Untuk pasar yang bergerak melawan perkiraan, rata-rata saat pasar memasuki zona saturasi.
Strategi rata-rata forex ini sangat berguna untuk meminimalkan kerugian dan memaksimalkan keuntungan. Saat menggunakannya, Anda perlu memantau keadaan kejenuhan pasar.


Strategi Hedging

Lindung nilai dalam arti kata ini berarti perlindungan nilai. Dalam forex trading, hedging artinya kita membuka dua posisi yang berlawanan, jadi jika harga naik atau turun, float akan tetap sama.
Hedging biasanya dilakukan ketika open posisi kita mengalami kerugian. Untuk mencegah kerusakan lebih lanjut, kami memblokirnya dengan teknik penutup ini.
Oleh karena itu, lindung nilai berjangka juga dikenal sebagai pinning karena ketika kita menggunakan metode lindung nilai ini posisi kita terkunci menyebabkan nilai P&L selalu bergerak berdampingan.
GBP/USD saat ini berada di 1,5600.
Saya berharap GBP/USD naik ke 1,5700, jadi saya akan beli.
Setelah beberapa menit ternyata GBPUSD berbalik dari ekspektasi saya yang berada di 1.5580. Ini berarti bahwa perdagangan lama saya kehilangan 20 pips.
Untuk meningkatkan kerugian ini, saya membuka posisi baru terhadap yang pertama, yaitu saya membuka posisi pendek di 1.5580.
Jika pasar turun ke 1,5550, saya akan kehilangan 20 poin lagi, karena tempat pertama kehilangan 50 poin (1,5600 - 1,5580) dan tempat kedua mendapatkan 30 poin (1,5580 - 1,5550).
Demikian pula, jika pasar naik ke level 1,5620, saya akan kehilangan 20 poin, karena tempat pertama mendapatkan 20 poin dan tempat kedua kehilangan 40 poin (1,5620-1,5580).
Jadi tidak peduli apa langkah selanjutnya di pasar karena menggunakan strategi lindung nilai kerugian saya selalu 20 pips.
Lalu bagaimana syarat agar kerugian 20 pips di atas bisa berubah menjadi profit?
tentu saja. Selama kita bisa membuka kunci dalam kondisi baik.
Kondisi terbaik untuk menutup posisi dengan menggunakan strategi lindung nilai adalah ketika kita yakin pasar akan bergerak agresif ke satu arah, seperti konvergensi atau divergensi.
Anda membeli di 1,5550 kemudian dijual di 1,5500.
Kemudian ketika pasar berada di 1,5450, itu konvergen.
Yang harus saya lakukan adalah menutup posisi short saya, yang saat ini menghasilkan 50 pips. Jadi saya mendapat untung 50 pips.
Karena konvergensi, pasar kembali setelah beberapa saat di atas level 1,5500, misalnya ke level 1,5525.
Saat itu, saya menutup posisi buy yang kehilangan 25 pips, jadi saya kehilangan 25 pips.
Kumulatif setelah menutup kedua posisi = 50 pips profit (posisi jual) + 25 pips loss (posisi buy)
Total = Dapatkan 25 poin.
Ini adalah strategi lindung nilai forex yang sering digunakan oleh para pedagang untuk mengurangi risiko kerugian mereka.
Kita dapat menggunakan strategi lindung nilai ini dalam perdagangan hari kita. Namun, rekomendasi.
- Jika pasar bergerak tidak menentu dan kita tidak yakin dengan arah tren selanjutnya, yang terbaik adalah menutup kedua posisi lindung nilai.
- Tetapi jika kita yakin bahwa pasar akan bergerak kuat ke satu arah, kita akan menutup posisi, yang berlawanan dengan arah yang diharapkan. Berharap posisi terbuka akan menghasilkan lebih banyak keuntungan daripada kerugian dari posisi tertutup.

Sumber: http://siembah.com/hedging-forex-strategy

They don't watch TV and follow the 5-hour rule... Habits of Elon Musk and Gates

Entrepreneur John Rampton said: "The most successful people in the world are those who spend an hour a day reading and writing."

And in an essay published on the American "The Entrepreneur" website, he wrote that the most successful people in the world spend their free time writing.

The magic of audiobooks

In addition, the Thomas Corl factory, which received 5 times, reported that more than 200 tons of millionaires did not watch TV or read for fun while studying, and 63 of them listened to audiobooks during the morning commute.

Productivity expert Chauncey Maddox says successful people read, and the average person reads two or more books a month. So, he suggests everyone to read blogs, news videos, fiction and non-fiction when they have time to gain more knowledge. And if you're on the go, listen to audiobooks or podcasts.

"Who has time to sit and watch," asked Rampton. Finding free time between work and family is difficult, telling himself that he can speak as an entrepreneur and family man, but only in a good way. After all, if Barack Obama read at the White House, why?

Former President Obama is not the only leader who appreciates his success. Gates of Microsoft, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, Jack Ma and Mark Cuban are an amazing combination. Gates told the New York Times. “Reading is one of the things I've learned since childhood.

The five hour rule

How do you find time for daily reading?

Following the five hour rule, influential author Michael Simmons has written extensively about it. No matter how successful people are, the concept is really simple. They always spend at least an hour a day or 5 hours a week writing or teaching. And they've done it their entire career.

Simmons traced this miracle to Franklin, a multi-talented American scientist, statesman, diplomat, publisher and champion who found time to study relentlessly. He founded a club for dealers and marketers to join together to improve sound. He asks questions every morning and night trying to find new information.

Regularize the three routines of five hours

Successful Momentum leaders borrow Franklin's rule by breaking the rule into 3 groups and spending 5 hours.

1 - Reading

Successful millionaires, including Mark Cuban and Cleveland Gentleman owner Dan Gilbert, read between 1 and 3 hours a day. Elon Musk learned to build rockets and Elon Musk learned to build rockets for SpaceX by reading:

In addition to expanding your knowledge, Alibaba founder Jack Ma said: “Reading gives you a good start. Your peers often fail to achieve this. Compared to other briefs, they better understand the strategies and tactics of others' efforts. "

The pen encourages collections. "If you don't plan on reading for an hour or more every day, start with 20 to 30 strokes." He is going to or may be reading in the living room of a desk office, not entertaining himself on a smartphone. You can also listen to audiobooks while traveling or exercising.

2- Thoughts

The 5 hour rule also includes reflection and meditation. It can be just looking at the wall or typing in your search. Building a history gives you a chance to learn from mistakes and also gives you a chance to review what you did well. As a result, you will be better equipped to achieve your dreams and improve your life.

A 2014 University of Texas study found that inner relaxation and reflection can improve reading and writing skills.

And what does the pen say about planning the time to think, they say that it is right to blink 15 to 20 times after a meal, because after a meal there is a rest period. He recommends starting with 5 or 10 short bursts each. Day and work until you feel overwhelmed.

Know the questions you want to ask. Keep only 2 or 3 important questions for the day. For example, if you're at a conference, ask, "What are the best results?" and "How can I apply this to my work?"

3- Experience

The third and final section is "quick tests". Franklin and Edison became innovators and thinkers in their experiments. Rampton focused on the fact that Gmail's innovation happened because Google allowed employees to try new ideas.

Experiments are useful because you just have data, not hypotheses about what works. You will learn from your mistakes and learn from the reactions of others. After all, the experience doesn't take much time. Most of the time they are tested without testing.

Jack Ma really recommends applying what you've learned to real-life situations. For example, after reading a book about teamwork and collaboration, you do paid work to use that information.

When you make studying a habit, you are more likely to be successful and productive in many areas of your life. And by investing in a reading habit, you'll be sure to grow yourself and your business every day.

Who is the most famous American bodybuilder?

Bodybuilding is based on the principle of tension and tension in the muscles of the athlete's body, and it is compared and judged among the competitors.

Ronnie Coleman is the most famous bodybuilder, so in this collection of common words we will quote the famous American bodybuilder. Olympia has eight consecutive crowns and won 26 more titles.

Bodybuilding Game Cutting is one of the most important sports and it depends entirely on the development and loading of the muscles of the player's body. Bodybuilders are compared to certain rules and restrictions, including viscosity, skin, and transparency. The seven referees give special points to the players and the players are ranked, and unlike other sports, the title is won by the player with the fewest points. The sport of hair cutting is not about the health of athletes, but about their appearance, so the appearance of the athlete should be in a neat form. Bodybuilding can be the golden ticket for people, including American bodybuilder winner Ronald Dean Coleman. Eight Olympic Cups in a row. Ronald Dean Coleman, better known as Ronnie Coleman, is an American bodybuilder. Rooney was born in Louisiana, USA in 1964 and won 26 world titles. Eight-time Mr. Olympia winner Ronnie Coleman is 180 cm tall and weighs 130 kg Bodybuilder and Bobby, American football player, and Christian is Dean Rooney. Rooney graduated with honors from Gramming University in 1986 with a BA in Accounting and played football. After graduation, he worked as a police officer in Texas, where he served as a reserve officer until 2003.

Ronnie Coleman's work

Coleman started his career when a fellow officer suggested he join the Metoflex Club. Coleman is a free for life course. But you had to train him. At this point, he and Texas Trim Contest had to name a spa. Rooney accepted the request, and after less than four months of training Coleman with world champion Dobson, the great Rooney arrived. Generally able to train with weights, Coleman ranked first in heavyweight and in each round and beat Coach Dobson at that tournament, Coleman entered and won the next.

Coleman took first place at the 1997 Russian Grand Prix. Coleman began to achieve success as a professional athlete and was received as a guest star at the opening of gyms in America. Minimum height and increased flexibility when using free weights and Coleman exercises 4 days a week;

He founded a nutritional supplement company called Ronnie Coleman.

Ronnie Coleman crown

American bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman took first place with multiple crowns. it's mr. He won the Texas Championship in 1990 and the Amateur Planet Championship in 1991. He won the Canadian Pro Championship in 1995 and 1996 and won the Russian Grand Prix in 1997. In 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Mr. Olympia became the eight-time champion Straight. He won many crowns. Crowns on first place.

Retirement of Ronnie Coleman

Ronnie Coleman, M.; In 2007, Bo was last seen at the Olympics when he came out of retirement to fight in the heavyweight division as an 800-pound weightlifter. Certain surgeries, including hysterectomies and other surgeries, are necessary to relieve chronic pain caused by damaged jaw bones.

Coleman paid half a million bones to try some surgeries, but he wasn't able to fix the body problem. Despite this, he manages his workouts to help him lose muscle mass and has no regrets as he remains determined to succeed. Regardless of the price, this is the limit when it comes to convenience.

Strategi Tanpa Arah

Bagi Anda yang tidak bisa melihat arah pasar, salah satu cara untuk tetap untung adalah memasang jebakan. Strategi jebakan tidak harus digunakan ketika masalah inti muncul, tetapi dapat digunakan setiap hari.
Untuk membuat strategi ini lebih populer, kami menyebutnya sebagai strategi tidak terarah, dengan asumsi kami tidak mengetahui arah masa depan atau pergerakan pasar selanjutnya. Walaupun strategi ini hampir mirip dengan strategi double trap, namun strategi ini memiliki aturan mainnya sendiri sehari-hari, yaitu strategi ini efektif saat pasar tenang dan tidak diperlukan kredit. ke berita dasar. .
Jika Anda memercayainya, kemungkinan berhasil menghasilkan keuntungan harian yang besar dengan strategi ini cukup tinggi. Mengapa ?
Logikanya adalah bahwa pasar terdiri dari 2 keadaan, yaitu keadaan mapan dan keadaan tidak stabil. Kedua keadaan ini muncul secara terus menerus sebagai sebuah siklus dan akan terus berlanjut. Saat kondisi pasar tenang grafik cenderung flat dan saat pasar bergejolak bergerak panjang, lurus dan cepat, meskipun ada kalanya pola kacau muncul.
Lebih tepatnya, terjadinya pasar yang bergerak tidak stabil dikaitkan dengan sejumlah besar pesanan simultan atau bersamaan, diikuti oleh jumlah pesanan baru yang mengikuti secara bergantian. Artinya pasar dalam keadaan tenang sebelum tercipta kondisi volatil.
Sekarang semuanya tenang, kami menempatkan pending order dengan harapan ketika ketenangan berakhir dan memberi jalan ke keadaan garis lurus yang tidak stabil, pending order kami akan terpengaruh hingga akhirnya menghasilkan keuntungan.
Oleh karena itu, tujuan kami dalam menjalankan strategi tanpa target ini adalah untuk melihat apakah kondisi pasar sedang tenang atau tidak. Kita bisa mengabaikan berita yang mendasarinya atau bahkan grafik sebelumnya.
Apa pasar sunyi ini?
Ciri-ciri Pasar Tenang :
1. Bentuk lilin yang relatif kecil untuk mengisi grafik.
2. Bolliger Bar berbentuk tirus atau datar namun sempit.
3. Arah grafik relatif datar.
Kapan pasar tenang?
Secara khusus, itu tergantung pada pasangan yang akan diperdagangkan. Untuk pair berdasarkan mata uang Eropa seperti GBP/USD, EUR/USD atau lainnya, jeda sebagian besar terjadi di bawah 12:00 WIB atau sebelum sesi pasar Eropa dibuka. Logikanya, sebelum pasar Eropa dibuka, sangat sedikit sektor riil yang berbisnis dengan mata uang zona euro, tetapi ketika pasar Eropa dibuka, artinya hari kerja di Eropa dimulai, ada banyak saham korporasi dan keuangan. Lembaga di Eropa yang melakukan transaksi. Mata uang lokal tentu saja digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran. Oleh karena itu, nilai mata uang akan bergerak setelah pembukaan sesi Eropa.
Seperti contoh ini:

atau seperti ini :

Indikator yang digunakan adalah periode Bollinger Band 12 dan deviasi dari 2 dengan time frame yang digunakan adalah 1 jam.
Aturan Permainan:
1. Tunggu nilai candle penutup mendekati garis tengah Bollinger Band.
2. Tempatkan pending order buy stop beberapa pips di atas Bollinger Band atas dan tempatkan sell stop beberapa pips di bawah Bollinger Band bawah. Karenanya:

2. Tempatkan stop loss di garis tengah Bollinger Band.
3. Target keuntungan 60 pips - 120 pips
4. Jika market menyentuh salah satu pending order kita, kita diamkan sampai profit sama dengan jarak stop-loss. Kemudian tutup perintah yang tidak diubah.
Dan ini adalah contoh long move setelah keadaan idle:

Ada patokan yang bisa digunakan untuk memprediksi arah pasar di masa depan meskipun kita telah memasang jebakan. Ini:
“Pasar yang cenderung turun akan naik”
Alasan untuk ini adalah bahwa pergerakan horizontal ke bawah menunjukkan bahwa penjual tidak dapat menurunkan harga. Jadi, entri tajam kecil oleh pembeli akan menyebabkan penjual kehilangan kendali, mendorong pasar lebih tinggi. Di sisi lain, bagaimana konsepnya:

Sumber: http://siembah.com/forex-strategy-without-arah

Elon Musk: Why did he insist on acquiring Twitter shares?

Elon Musk loves Twitter, has 83.8 million followers and tweets on the platform, sometimes tweets controversial tweets, and rarely his tweets are disastrous.

Sometimes he writes controversial tweets and his tweets are rarely disastrous. The tweets have cost the company an estimated KW14 billion in claims, including a defamation lawsuit after a tweet that investigated a British diver involved in rescuing children in Thailand in 2018 and called him a "diver diver" .

It gives you an edge, and that's what made Twitter contributors go along with the deal.

Musk said he wants Twitter to understand its "tremendous opportunity" and not really take advantage of it. It has many features. Billionaires can come from different backgrounds.

Twitter's response was to demand an immediate defensive posture, which was to implement a "window blocking" strategy. That prevents anyone from owning more than 15 percent of its shares, while Musk said he got what he wanted, and despite the company's original location, a deal has now been struck.

Elon Musk's tweet cost Tesla 14 billion

Musk's shares in Tesla also fell by more than 3 billion shares after investors in the company's stock rushed to sell their shares following a tweet he posted on his Twitter account.

"I see Tesla's stock is really great from my own perspective," Doomsday tweeted, among a series of tweets in which he promised to sell his stake in the company.

In another tweet, Musk said his girlfriend was mad at him, and in a third tweet he said: "Anger, anger, the sun of information has gone out."

Will Elon Musk, who bought a large stake in the platform, join the board?

Elon Musk will not be controlled by operations

Musk's appointment was to take effect on Saturday after it was revealed last week that he had acquired a 9.2% stake in the social media platform.

But Agarwal tweeted: "Elon told us that morning he will not be joining the board." He added that the Tesla chief remains Twitter's largest shareholder, so the company welcomes his input.

More than an hour after Agarwal's announcement, Musk tweeted Bassem's face emoji. I also deleted the tweet afterwards.

His meeting with Elon Musk and members of the platform's board

Elon Musk held a meeting with executives to answer their questions

The meeting came after Musk bought a 9.2 percent stake in Twitter for $3.7 billion and appointed him to its board of directors.

Workers received a letter Thursday inviting them to meet and ask questions about Tesla's creator, Musk, especially his vision for the company's future.

It comes after making a change that Musk would like to see in one of the biggest social networks in the world.

White House Concerns

The White House declined to comment Monday on billionaire Elon Musk's deal to buy Twitter, but said President Joe Biden has expressed persistent concerns about the social network's structure. "Our concerns are not new," White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, adding that these platforms should not be underestimated.

Trump will not be back on Twitter

Former US President Donald Trump said on Monday that he will not return to social networking platform Twitter, although he may return to the platform after it is acquired by billionaire Elon Musk. Trump added on Fox News that he would open an account on Truth Social, a new platform he owns, within the next seven days in line with the election. Trump said: I will not use Twitter.

Twitter is investigating the purpose of editing posts - does your mask have anything to do with it?

Social network Twitter said it is working to such an extent that it allows the editing of a post if it contains spelling or other violations.

The date posted the following tweet on Tuesday (April 5, 2022) on his account dedicated to communicating with Twitter addicts "Since everyone is asking. Yes, we have edited since the last time!"

Since the launch of the network, Twitter addicts have been clamoring for such a tool to quickly correct the tweets they write and post. Followers of Twitter Blue, which offers additional tips for $3 a month, will be the first to test the new button. Including, for example, the choice to cancel or retract a tweet before it's actually posted.

Elon Musk joined the board on Tuesday after becoming Twitter's most important shareholder after acquiring a 9.2% stake in its capital. Musk quickly polled his followers and asked if they wanted to introduce an "edit" option. The number of employers reached 4.4 million and about 73% of them said yes.

Manchester City champions of the English Premier League

Manchester City won the Premier League title this season with a 3-2 victory over Aston Villa on Sunday.

The first half of the match at the Etihad Stadium ended in favor of Aston Villa, who scored a substitution goal on the first kick of the second half. City then started scoring and scored 3 points in a row. 10 hits less.

The Etihad Stadium was filled with cheers to celebrate Manchester City's victory, and City prepared to celebrate their victory with an open motorcade at Manchester City Center on Monday 23 May.

Wolverhampton opened the game against Liverpool, but Liverpool winger Sadio Mane equalized late in the first half after a flurry of shots. Liverpool star Mohamed Salah scored a substitution goal in the final minute of the match. Something for his club, after which Roberto scored the third goal for the Reds.

The Liverpool players took to the stage to congratulate their players and management staff and there was no sense of disappointment. Manchester City were the defending champions despite Liverpool surrendering.

With Liverpool winning the FA Cup and League Cup and the possibility of winning the Champions League final this weekend, Liverpool fans know this season could end with a truly special gem.

"It's been a great season of football. Congratulations to Manchester City and congratulations to Liverpool," former Manchester United defender Gary Neville said.

He added: "You don't have a better season in the Premier League. You won't believe what you see on the pitch, Manchester City with 75 shots, I loved it. It's over, but suddenly they have three shots. Ambition."

Legendary BBC football pundit Mark Lawrence predicted City would win the title, saying: "I hope they win the title without further changes like the stage we saw at West Ham."

Before the surprise game, he argued that a victory would not be enough to win the title if Manchester City lost to Aston Villa, believing that the atmosphere at Anfield would get very hot if they lost, which it did. .

"We know what we have to work on," Guardiola said in his final statement before victory. I told the players. "It's just a game, don't take the consequences. We have to try and beat Aston Villa."

Manchester City refused to send an unknown six to Liverpool in England, knowing they had the last word to win the League Cup by beating Chelsea on penalties last February, so Chelsea in similar circumstances last week in the FA Cup to win.

Liverpool will face Real Madrid in the Champions League final next Saturday.

Manchester City completely dominated the game but ran into a tough defensive wall from Aston Villa, who relied on counterattacks that took advantage of the speed of their striker Ole Watkins.

Despite City's best efforts, they were unable to set up a big trap for Aston Villa, who took the lead after a counter-attack cut the ball off to left-back Luca Di, who netted it. He hit the Portuguese Joao Cancelo (37).

City threw their weight into the second half, but Aston Villa managed to extend their lead through Coutinho, who made him a sensation for City.

Guardiola Gundogan played the match and it was a winner as he reduced the deficit with a cross from Raheem Sterling (76).

It was a huge morale boost for City, who equalized through a Rodri goal and then scored twice before Gundogan gave his team a valuable victory with a perfect pass from Belgium's Kevin de Bruyne.

Liverpool waited until the 84th minute for Salah's substitute, before Scotsman Robertson scored the third goal (89), taking advantage of the storm to get ahead, but without success.

Tottenham Hotspur finished fourth and reached the Champions League with a stunning victory over Norwich City to keep a clean sheet at the expense of north London rivals Arsenal, who thrashed Everton 5-1.

Manchester City gives Gundogan the freedom to leave

German midfielder Ilkay Gundogan will leave Manchester City this summer, and Britain's Daily Mail reported on Monday night that the 31-year-old Gundogan is free to join another club this summer. His contract is notably at Manchester. City have a contract until 2023, but an extension is doubtful.

Gundogan joined City from Borussia Dortmund in 2016 and is close to winning the Premier League for the fourth time, and Manchester City are close to winning the Premier League.

League title this season.

Gundogan has started 20 of the 37 games he has played for Manchester City this season.

De Bruyne won the Player of the Season award against Salah

Manchester City midfielder Kevin De Bruyne won the Premier League Player of the Year award on Saturday.

He beat the Egyptian Mohamed Salah and his teammate Phil Foden was recognized as a younger and more elegant player.

De Boeren scored a career-high 15 league goals this season and seven assists to win the award at an alternative event after the 2019-20 season.

The midfielder beat Portugal's Joao Cancelo, Liverpool goalkeeper Salah, Trent Alexander-Arnold, West Ham's Jared Bowen, Arsenal's immature striker Bukayo Saka, South Korean star Song Hyun-min and Southampton's James Ward.

"Winning this award for the second time is an achievement that I am very proud of," said De Bruyne.

"There is a high level of standards in the Premier League and I am honored to be named alongside so many great players who have had fantastic seasons with their clubs."

Although Salah is the best organizer (22) and a decisive assist (13), this did not help him win the award as a substitute after the 2017-2018 season.

De Bruyne is the fourth player to win the award twice, after the Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo (2007 and 2008), the Serbian Nemanja Vidic (2009 and 2011) with Manchester United and the Frenchman Thierry Henry (2004 and 2006) with the Arsenal. Season.

Foden, on the other hand, played a key role in City's title defence, taking a point clear of Liverpool in Sunday's final.

The 21-year-old, who has scored 9 goals and 5 assists in the league, told the Barça club's website.

"I am proud to accept the award for back-to-back seasons. There are many talented players in the Premier League this season and I am known to be at the top again."

"I am very happy with my performance this season, it is great to contribute to the current team and I hope that the new season will be successful."

Foden beat out Alexander-Arnold, Chelsea midfielder Mason Mount, West Ham midfielder Declan Rice, Arsenal's Aaron Ramsdale, Sakha, Crystal Palace's Conor Gallagher and Terry Mitchell for the forward nomination award.

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